Good morning. No Troop meetings the next 2 weeks. We will resume on Friday, January 5, 2024. During the holiday break, there are a few things you can do:
Lashings- At the meeting on January 5, we will begin to work on lashings. For that meeting, we will be working on the square, diagonal, and shear lashings. Help on practicing them may be found here;
Cooking Merit Badge- on Friday, January 26, Mr. DiTrani will be giving a class on the Cooking Merit Badge. This will allow anyone interested to complete the non-cooking parts of the Merit Badge. As with all Merit Badges, if you are interested in earning this badge, you must read the Merit Badge Book before beginning work on the badge. For your convenience, I have attached a digital copy of the Merit Badge book.
Physical Fitness Requirements- Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class all have 30-day physical fitness requirements. These are holding back a number of scouts from advancing. Please read the requirements for each rank, keep track of your activities over a 30-day period, and show them to your Patrol Leader. If anyone has any questions about what the requirements are or what is outstanding, please let me know.
Finally, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Troop 37 friends and family.
Upcoming Events
Thursday, January 4- Parent’s Committee Meeting at 7:30
Friday, January 5- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30-Payment due No-Be-Bo-Sco
Friday, January 12-Sunday, January 14- No-Be-Bo-Sco Trip
Friday, January 19- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30
Friday, January 26- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30
Rob Pfuhler
Scoutmaster, Troop 37