No Troop Meeting- Junior Leader Training Weekend at Pouch Camp. More info to follow.
October Trip- we will be tent camping at Alpine Scout camp from October 18-20. On Saturday, October 19, we will be hiking the 10+ mile Palisades Historic Trail. Cost is $30, permission slip is attached. Payment is due ASAP, but no later than Friday, October 4.
Upcoming Events
Friday, September 13- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30
Friday, September 20 to Sunday, September 22- JLT Weekend at Pouch Camp
Friday, September 27- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30
Friday, October 4- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30- Payment Due, Alpine
Friday, October 11- Regular Troop Meeting
Friday, October 18- to Sunday October 20- Camping Trip, Alpine Scout Camp
Friday, October 25- Troop 37 Court of Honor at 7:30
Rob Pfuhler
Scoutmaster, Troop 37
Boy Scouts of America