If you are going to the Ferry Hawks game this Friday May 31 Troop 37 will be meeting at 5:15 PM at the entrance of the stadium. If it is after 5:30 PM and you don’t see anyone from Troop 37 just go inside because you purchased your tickets already online as per the flyer that was disseminated. Please be in Class A uniform there will be a parade of scouts on the field. if you are staying overnight, you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and also have a tent as this trip is being facilitated through the Ferry Hawks and not Troop 37.
Don’t bring the tent in for the game leave it in your car for now. There will be time to get it later. I will be there with my son Haakon and we are looking forward to the festivities and the game because ultimately we are all there to have some fun.
Just a reminder, we have a car wash the next day at Saint Teresa’s parking lot.
Yours in Scouting,
Keith Christensen
Troop 37 Assistant SM