A few items of note:
Msgr. Belford Jubilee- In honor of Msgr Belford’s 75th birthday and the 50th anniversary of his ordination, there is a special mass at St. Teresa’s this Sunday, October 6 at 10:30. As Msgr. Belford is the head of our chartered organization, and provides our meeting space for free (other Troops often have to pay rent) it would be nice if we could have a contingent of scouts there to represent the Troop. If you are available and can come, I would suggest meeting outside the church at about 10:15 in full Class A uniform.
November trip. As I mentioned on Monday, the November trip from 11/15-11/17 and will be tent camping at Camp Bullowa in Stony Point, NY. In looking for things to do, I saw that the Camp is near West Point. There is a company that offers different tours of the campus, including this one:
The School & Scout Leadership Tour 2 hours
Leadership development is the key component of the Academy’s mission in preparing officers to serve in the United States Army. Recommended for 13-18 year old’s in Scouts, National Honor Society, Junior ROTC, service clubs, and sports teams, this tour will present an overview of the leadership principles and activities which cadet’s experience over 4 years.
The tour is designed to invite participants to identify similar ideas in their experiences and will offer real life examples of West Point graduates on the importance of character, teamwork, service and good citizenship. In addition, all the West Point highlights and history will be covered such as Trophy Point overlooking the Hudson River, the parade grounds and Cadet Area, and the Cadet Chapel.
I think this is perfect for us and fits in well with our ongoing discussion of leadership. Like many other things today, this tour is, in my opinion, highly overpriced. We discussed this at the committee meeting last night and the Troop agreed to underwrite about half of the cost. As such, the cost for the trip and tour is $45.
As noted in the description, the recommended age is 13-18. I think everyone should have the opportunity to attend this, so I am going against their recommendation and making the trip available to all scouts. With that being said, everyone must be on their best behavior and there will be NN.
The permission slip is attached. You can begin paying tomorrow. Payment is due no later than Friday, November 1.
October trip- tomorrow is the last day to pay for the trip to Alpine, 10/15-10/17. Permission slip is attached.
OA Ordeal at Pouch 10/25-27- if anyone has gotten the e-mail about registering for this, please forward it to me so I can distribute it to the eligible scouts.
MLB Playoffs- Good luck to the Mets tonight in the JV round of the playoffs. The Varsity plays on Saturday.
Rob Pfuhler
Scoutmaster, Troop 37
Boy Scouts of America