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Volume 10 | Issue 1 | November 2022 - January 2023




By Scoutmaster Rob Pfuhler

Troop 37 Scoutmaster

Scout Sunday always brings to mind the 12th point of the

Scout Law, “a Scout is Reverent.”


We also generally associate “reverence” with our religious faith. While practicing our religion is certainly a part of “reverence,” it is not the only part. So many of the outdoor activities we participate in can and should inspire a feeling of reverence within us. Some of my greatest moments of “reverence” have involved things I have seen at Philmont or on the dozens of other trips I have been on.

As a society, we have become too far removed from nature and the outdoors. Reverence for nature fosters a connection between ourselves and nature. It allows us to slow down, notice, observe and participate in a world greater than our own. Recent studies have shown that being outside can have positive impacts on our brains, bodies, feelings, thought processes, and social interactions. This is probably hard wired in us, as man lived outdoors for far longer than he has lived indoors.


As scout leaders, there are many things we hope to instill in the youth we lead. These things include leadership, communication skills, independence, and perseverance. I would add to that a love of the outdoors. I would tell our scouts that no matter how far you go in scouting or where you end up in life, that the outdoors is always there for you.


So take advantage of the many outdoor skill you learned in Troop 37 and get out there and find your moments of reverence.

BSA Troop 37 | Volume 10 | Issue 1 | November 2022 - January 2023


By Thomas Costello

From January 13-15, the troop camped at No-Be-Bo-Sco, which was the site of the filming of the Friday the 13th movie. 

The trip entailed some of the most fun I’ve had on a camping trip with these activities, which included the most beautiful scenic hike I’ve ever been on and watching the Friday the 13th movie. This was the first time watching it, which was very weird, but cool – seeing the locations we had been seeing and living around for the past few days in a movie. After the movie finished, we ate some birthday cake as it was Joe Tenaglia’s birthday. Following that, he read us some of his great creative scary stories, which were in my opinion at parts scarier than the movie. In all, the trip was a great success, and something I and many others would love to do again.


After setting up in the cabins right by the lake, which made for some nice views, we were given the rundown for the weekend. The weekend included meals cooked by the adults, a map and compass hike, and getting to watch Friday the 13th movie.

Troop 37 - Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco 2
Troop 37 - Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco 3
Troop 37 - Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco 4

BSA Troop 37 | Volume 10 | Issue 1 | November 2022 - January 2023


By Liam Ferguson

On November 5, 2022, Troop 37 scouts arrived at Stop & Shop supermarket for the annual Scouting for Food initiative. This is an important community service project for our troop because it raises awareness about the issue of food insecurity in our community. Many of us started volunteering for this initiative when we were cub scouts and look forward to taking part in this service project every year. We set up our Troop 37 banner and stand to collect food donations from customers out doing their grocery shopping.

We worked together to create a system with three scouts handing out the information flier and other scouts collecting the food donations from Stop & Shop customers. Thankfully, people were considerate and gave generously to support our food drive. Most people were happy to help with a donation of non-perishable food or a cash donation. We were glad to know that people care enough to help their neighbors who do not have enough food for their families. We were able to pack several boxes of non- perishable food in just a few short hours.


Our Troop Master, Mr. Pfuhler organized to donate the food collected to Project Hospitality’s food pantry in Stapleton. Project Hospitality was grateful for our Scouting for Food community service project and donation of non-perishable food. We were

able to collect the food that the pantry needed most of all, such as pasta, cereal and canned soups. It feels good to know that we have made a difference and helped people who are hungry in our community. Thank you to all scouts who gave their time to work on Troop 37’s Scouting for Food service project.


BSA Troop 37 | Volume 10 | Issue 1 | November 2022 - January 2023


by Michael Lariño


Huh, this might have been the wildest trip I’ve been on.


When I thought of wilderness survival, I didn’t think that singing would be 70% of what I did. I really wasn’t prepared mentally to come on this trip. I was having second thoughts, and I didn’t think I would make it. I was totally thinking I would have a bad shelter and a horrible night. When I got there, it was pretty fun as I saw my troop setting up. We were split up between two lean-tos. I was going to bed in warmth, not what I thought my first night would go. The next day, I was truly awake at 4:30 a.m., since kids were yelling in the other lean-to and kept everyone up – even the adults who were far away. When awoke, we were singing since we really had little to do at the time. When it was time for breakfast, we had oatmeal and it was great – the second best meal I had on the trip. Everyone was together having fun, plus we got to have hot cocoa, which really made

everyone happy. After that, the Troop had a quick talk from Mr. Di Trani. We made our shelters, which took a long time. Once lunch came, we had some of the best time on the trip. Lunch was amazing being crackers with cheese and sausage plus canned chicken. Sitting with all the kids for lunch was great, and we were singing and eating. It lasted forever. Once that was over, we did more work until Mr. Di Trani called us up. We learned multiple ways to start a fire as we now had our fireman chit, and there is a lot of ways to start a fire or even make fuel for a fire. Our groups got firewood for each of us to make a fire with a flint and steel.

Later that day, we finally moved our sleeping bags into our shelter. Some kids including myself were moved into different tents than the ones we built with our patrol members. Next morning, we all packed up and started to kill time. Eventually, we started walking back to the parking lot, which was very tiring – going mostly uphill with our heavy backpacks.

In conclusion, this was the wildest camping trip I’ve been on – except for Hawk Mountain. It was really fun. Next time, though, we should probably do a little less singing, and do almost anything else.

Moral of the story: When you have nothing to do, become a choir.

BSA Troop 37 | Volume 10 | Issue 1 | November 2022 - January 2023


By Cody Bennett


Christmas cheer was on hand at the Troop 37 Annual Christmas Party.


A festive mood was in full swing at the Zion Lutheran Gym. So many people came to the party that we needed
extra tables and chairs to be set up. The annual skits were performed, and everyone loved them. There was singing and joke telling. Mr Dilillo wholeheartedly performed his rendition of the classic, The Night Before Christmas, and the crowd enjoyed it very much.

The scouts and leaders received a Christmas present from Mr. Donnellan in the form of a new custom made neck slide. Thank you, Mr. Donnellan, for your generous gift and hard work. Everyone loved them! I hope you enjoyed the gift Mr. Pfuhler gave you.

We closed out the night with some pizza and dessert. What a way to end the party!

I hope to see everyone at this year’s Christmas party.

BSA Troop 37 | Volume 10 | Issue 1 | November 2022 - January 2023


By Declan Staiano


The next morning we had pancakes and sausage for breakfast. Then we were split into groups and we had to work together to do different tasks. The most fun task was the chair task, there were a few chairs and our leader had to guide us to the chairs and let us sit down in them, we were blindfolded.


This was my first time going to Junior Leader Training ( JLT), I was excited to attend as I had heard good things about it. We arrived on Friday evening. We unpacked all the gear into the cabin and ate our sandwiches. The first night we played bunker ball, which is trying to get a ball into another person’s bunk. This was a lot of fun.


We had conversations about leadership training, we all had to decide what leadership role we would like to try. Later we all went on a hike and played football. Our time at JLT was coming to an end but first we all had to do the trust fall on Sunday morning. We only dropped one person!

I look forward to next year!

BSA Troop 37 | Volume 10 | Issue 1 | November 2022 - January 2023

BSA Troop 37
Staten Island

1634 Victory Blvd

Staten Island, NY 10314



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