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Troop News 12/4/2023

Victor Moroz

High School Age Camping Trip- due to a lack of interest from the older scouts and a lack of adult leaders, this weekend’s trip is unfortunately cancelled. Those who paid may get a refund.

Parents Committee Meeting- Thursday, December 7 at 7:30- Link may be found here. Everyone is encouraged to join for a stimulating discussion about what is going on with the Troop.

Friday, December 8- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30

  • We will be going through equipment and preparing for upcoming trips

  • Class B uniforms

  • Service Patrol- Pink Panthers

  • Program Patrol- Howling Coyotes

January Camping Trip- We will be cabin camping at Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco in Hardwick New Jersey from Friday, January 12 to Sunday, January 14. This trip is back by popular demand, as No-Be-Bo-Sco is where the legendary horror movie, Friday the 13th was filmed and which we watched on last year’s trip as one of the 2 cabins we reserved is in the movie. Given this, on Saturday night, we will be showing Friday the 13th Part 2 in that cabin. With the understanding that not every parent will want their scout to watch the movie, we will have an alternate movie/event in the other cabin for those not wanting to watch Jason and company. On the attached permission slip, there is a line to give or withhold permission to watch the movie. Please make sure you check it. Cost is $35 and payment is due by January 5, 2024. Please also note that we will be doing the same hike we did on this trip last year. The hike is only a little over 3 miles, however it is a little strenuous.

February Camping Trip/Snow Tubing- We will be cabin camping at Resica Falls Scout Reservation in East Stroudsburg, PA from Friday. February 23 to Sunday, 25, 2024. On Saturday, February 24 we will be going snowtubing at Shawnee Mountain. I have purchased tickets for everyone on the attached list. If anyone else wants to snow tube, please let me know ASAP. Cost for the trip is $75 with snowtubing. If you just want to camp, it’s $27. If you are going snow tubing, please pay ASAP, as the Troop put the money out for the tickets. Please also note that the snow tubing tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Copies of the Troop permission slip and Shawnee waiver are attached.

Cooking Merit Badge- after the New Year, Mr. DiTrani will be giving a class on the Cooking Merit Badge at 1 or 2 meetings. This will allow anyone interested to complete the non-cooking parts of the Merit Badge. As with all Merit Badges, if you are interested in earning this badge, you must read the Merit Badge Book before beginning work on the badge. For your convenience, I have attached a digital copy of the Merit Badge book.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, December 7- Parent’s Committee Meeting at 7:30

Friday, December 8- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30

Friday, December 15- Troop 37 Christmas Party- Lower Church Hall- 7:30

Thursday, January 4- Parent’s Committee Meeting at 7:30

Friday, January 5- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30-Payment due No-Be-Bo-Sco

Friday, January 12-Sunday, January 14- No-Be-Bo-Sco Trip

Friday, January 19- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30

Thanks, Rob Pfuhler Scoutmaster, Troop 37

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