Regular Troop Meeting- Friday, January31 at 7:30
Knot of the month- Two Half Hitches. A refresher may be found here
Class B uniforms
We will continue with Klondike Derby Preparation. We also need adult assistance in assembling the sleds and gathering equipment for Saturday, so please bring a drill if you can. I will also need assistance in transporting the sleds to Pouch and also a few ASMs to attend the event on Saturday.
Program Patrol- Striking Cobras
Service Patrol- Rattlesnakes. Please arrive by 7:15 to set up
Klondike Derby- Saturday, February 1 at 8 am at Pouch Camp. Further information for attendees will be provided later today.
Scout Sunday Court of Honor and Brunch- Sunday, February 2
The twelfth point of the Scout Law is “A Scout is Reverent”, so here is the chance to put this into action. We will be attending 10:30 am Mass at St. Teresa’s. Regardless of your faith or parish affiliation, this is a time to honor our sponsoring organization. All scouts and leaders should be in the LCH no later than 10 am in full Class A uniform with merit badge sashes. This will be followed by the Troop 37 Brunch/Court of Honor in the gym immediately following Mass.
February Trip- We will be cabin camping at Quail Hill Scout Reservation in Manalapan, NJ from February 21-23. Cost is $35 and payment is due as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, February 7. Permission slip is attached. Please note that the cabin only holds 26 people, so it is limited to the first 26 scouts/adults who pay.