Regular Troop Meeting- Friday, January24 at 7:30
Knot of the month- Two Half Hitches. A refresher may be found here
Class B uniforms
We will be doing Klondike Derby Preparation
Program Patrol- Striking Cobras
Service Patrol- Rattlesnakes. Please arrive by 7:15 to set up
Klondike Derby- Troop 37, the 2023 Klondike Derby Champions , will be returning to the Klondike Derby this year onFebruary 1, 2025, at Pouch Camp. Cost is $20 per scout. Payment is due this Friday, January 24.
Scout Sunday Court of Honor and Brunch- Sunday, February 2- All scouting families are invited to join together for Scout Sunday, a day designated to the 12th point of the Scout Law, and which allows scouts to show their commitment to “Duty to God.” We will be attending 10:30 mass at St. Teresa’s followed immediately by our Cout of Honor brunch in the gym. All active Troop 37 scouts are paid for by the Troop. There is no charge for children under 12. For everyone else, the cost is $25 per person. Please note that as this is a catered event, we must have payment and an accurate headcount (including your scout) by this Friday, January 24.
February Trip- We will be cabin camping at Quail Hill Scout Reservation in Manalapan, NJ from February 21-23. Cost is $35 and payment is due as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, February 7. Permission slip is attached. Please note that the cabin only holds 26 people, so it is limited to the first 26 scouts/adults who pay.
Race for the Patrol Cup:
Pink Panthers- 117
Striking Cobras- 107
Rattlesnakes- 103
Blackhawks- 90
Upcoming Events
Friday, January 24- Regular Troop Meeting- Payment Due Klondike Derby. Payment Due Scout Sunday
Friday, January 31- Regular Troop Meeting
Saturday, February 1- Klondike Derby, Pouch Camp
Sunday, February 2- Scout Sunday Mass and Brunch
Wednesday, February 5- Parents Committee Meeting
Friday, February 7- Regular Troop Meeting- Payment Due Quail Hill
Friday, February 14- Regular Troop Meeting
Friday, February 21- to Sunday February 23- Camping Trip, Quail Hill
Friday, February 28- Regular Troop Meeting
Saturday, March 1- Eagle Court of Honor- J. Carp, L. Rodriguez, L. Staiano
Wednesday, March 5- Parents Committee Meeting
Friday, March 7- Regular Troop Meeting- Webelos Crossover- Payment Due Philadelphia-Details coming soon
Friday, March 14- Regular Troop Meeting
Rob Pfuhler
Scoutmaster, Troop 37
Boy Scouts of America