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Troop News - 06/20/2024

Victor Moroz

As a reminder, tomorrow night at 7:30 is our year-end Court of Honor.  In addition to giving out all Merit Badges and Rank Advancements earned since the last COH, and all year end awards, Eagle Scout Robert Brown will be receiving his Eagle awards.  Rob is not receiving the awards at a usual Eagle COH because he is moving to Colorado and will not be here for the next Eagle COH. Rob has been a scout since he was in first grade.  We want to give him a nice ceremony to cap off his scouting career, so everyone is expected to attend.  All parents are also strongly encouraged to attend.


On another note, attached is the current draft of next year’s calendar.  Most of the dates are definite.  If not, I note below.  As Troop 37 is boy lead, the calendar was planned mainly by the Greenbar.  They advised that they wanted to do “hikes that result in medals” and as you will see, they accomplished that.  They also advised that they want to do two day trips we have done in the past that are not yet scheduled.  One is a trip to the Adventure Park in Long Island, which is a ropes/zip line course.  We are going to try to schedule that for the early fall.  The other is a walking tour of lower Manhattan followed by a visit to the 9/11 Museum.  That will likely be later in the fall.  Here are the highlights of the calendar:



9/6- Registration. Invite a friend

9/20-9/22- Junior Leader Training at Pouch (definite)- this is for all scouts who have attained the rank of First Class.  For those within striking distance of First Class, now is the time to get moving



10/18-10/20 Alpine (definite)- we will be hiking the 10-mile Palisades Historic Trail.   



11/3- Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

11/15-11/17- Forestburg Scout Reservation- (tentative)- We will be hiking the OA Heritage Trail



1/10-1/12- back by popular demand, Friday the 13th weekend at Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco (pretty definite)- rather than doing the strenuous hike we did the last 2 years, we will be visiting the Lakota Wolf Preserve.  And of course we will be watching Friday the 13th Part III  (in super 3D!)



2/21-2/12- Quail Hill (definite)- everyone’s favorite camp returns to the calendar this year, this time for a cabin trip.



3/21-3/23- Camp Musser, Philadelphia (tentative)- we will be visiting Independence Hall and then hiking the Benjamin Franklin Historical Trails which visits many of the historic spots in the city.  We will also hopefully be having a cheese steak lunch.



4/25-4/27- Treasure Island (tentative)- Treasure Island is a former Boy Scout Camp located on the Delaware Riber in Pipersville, PA.  It is where the Order of the Arrow was founded in 1915.  It closed as a Scout Camp in 2008, however, the Friends of Treasure island offers the opportunity to camp on certain weekends.  Being an island, you have to take a barge to get there.  It is then a very primitive camping experience.  There is no electricity or water and all cooking is done over a camp fire.  There is the opportunity to do archery, throw axes and canoe. 



5/16-5/18 Camp-o-Ree at Pouch.  This event will be won by Troop 37.



?- a big misstep this year was not having a trip in June.  We are working to fix that.



Hawk Mountain- 7/13-7/19

Philmont- 7/23-8/6



Rob Pfuhler

Scoutmaster, Troop 37

Boy Scouts of America

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