Court of Honor-Friday, June 21 at 7:30 PM Lower Church Hall
This Friday will be a Court of Honor for Troop 37.
A Court of Honor, as the name states, is a ceremony held to present scouts with awards they have earned such as merit badges and rank badges which recognize their achievements. All of the Merit Badges and Rank Advancements earned since the February COH will be distributed. There will be numerous year end awards also, including:
Patrol Cup
Advancement of the Year
Rookie of the Year
Scoutmaster Award
Scout of the Year
Eagle Scout Robert Brown will also be receiving his Eagle awards at this Court of Honor
We will also be treated to one of Mr. Dilillo’s famous slideshows.
Scouts should be in Full Class “A“ Uniform with merit badge sashes and arrive by 7:15.
All Parents and Family are encouraged to attend to show their support of their son’s Scouting achievements.
There will be refreshments served immediately following.
Senior Patrol is the Service Patrol. Please arrive by 6:45
Payments and Deadlines- EVERYTHING IS DUE AT THIS MEETING. Please note that Mrs. Perera will be in the LCH by 6:30 to collect money and forms. We will not be collecting anything once the COH starts.
Breakfast at Landingville Fire House on the way to Hawk Mountain on Sunday, July 14- $13 per person (scouts/leaders are paid for)
Chicken dinner at Hawk Mountain on Friday, July 19- $16 per person (scouts/leaders are paid for)
Hawk Mountain Medicals (including Part C completed by doctor) and OTC Medication forms
All forms are contained in the packet distributed at the mandatory parents’ meeting or on the website
Upcoming Events
Friday, June 21- Troop 37 Court of Honor- All Forms and Payments Due
Saturday, June 29- Sunka Perera Eagle Project
Saturday, July 6- Quinton Tuthill Eagle Project
Sunday, July 14 to Saturday, July 20- Hawk Mountain Summer Camp
Rob Pfuhler
Scoutmaster, Troop 37
Boy Scouts of America